Monday, August 26, 2019

Growing Lemons

So you would think this post would be about growing actual lemons but sadly I'm not, just my lemon kids , and they are growing way too fast.  (I should own a lemon tree, maybe a goal for this coming year.)  Last spring I was reflecting about growth, everything in bloom and my kids growing fast. One leaving 3rd grad and one entering Kindergarten.  I'm blown away at how fast these transitions happen and yet they are inevitable and before we know it we are in the midst of figuring it all out.  I went into the studio with my kids and work-shopped a little bit about growth and connection.  They drew their lemon trees and talked to me about what happens when you grow or when a tree grows.  I put these ideas together in a short film that accompanied another version of the "Lemon Tree" Prelude for Next Reflex Dance Collective's Concert in May at the Workhouse Arts Center.  Below is the video. 

The kids start back to school this week, growing, making connections and continuing on their journey.  And this video reminds me of that growth.

I am starting a new project on my dance company members this fall working with the idea of journey and our pathways through life and finding identity.  I am forever anchored in my kids journeys  even when they start to move away on their own pathway and I'm grateful to have the a glimpse as they twist and turn their ways through the universe.